


Rabid fashionistas also know full well the power of Lively's classic California beauty, obsessively blogging about her rise from a television starlet to a Chanel model who calls Christian Louboutin a buddy.尤其是最後面的obsessively blogging about her rise from a television starlet to a Chanel model who calls... 顯示更多 Rabid fashionistas also know full well the power of Lively’s classic California beauty, obsessively blogging about her rise from a television starlet to a Chanel model who calls Christian Louboutin a buddy. 尤其是最後面的 obsessively blogging about her rise from a television starlet to a Chanel model who calls Christian Louboutin a buddy. 這段

最佳lttc 財團法人語言訓練測驗中心解答:

1.rabid fashionistas=>指的是狂熱追求時尚,一天到晚想著要擁有名牌服飾包包等的人(當然絕大部份是女性)如追著購買像Sarah Jessica Parker背的包包等 2.blog about=>扯八掛3. television starlet=>電視上的B咖全譯:時尚拜金女也充分了解Blake Lively典型的加州風韻,狂熱的聊著她如何從一個電視小角色跳升到跟Christian Louboutin成了姐妹淘的Chanel模特兒 2012-06-09 16:38:09 補充: blog about是指在網路上聊八掛,現今網路形態改變,即始在facebook上聊也算,不限定blog的


這里很不錯aaashops。com老婆很喜歡 呬凵兖仚|||||還是要去 http://aaashops。com 品質不錯,老婆很喜歡! 丼伿佐冖吖叭|||||我每次都是去這里看的哦, http://Lvmiss。com 佉僝买|||||那些瘋狂追求時尚與流行的人,他們都很了解Lively的加洲風格美。(Blake Lively),而且也著魔般似的的上部落格討論她從一個電視台新人轉變成香奈兒旗下的模特兒。她與法國鞋王設計師Christian Louboutin更是好朋友。|||||obsessively blogging about her rise from a television starlet to a Chanel model who calls Christian Louboutin a buddy. 1. 使人著迷地;著魔地 2. 困擾地 3. 過分地 可以ㄇ??^ ^B87B9E75CF9D0E65

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